Edit & Enrich

Use the edit button at the top to edit your album. (This works best if you leave the zoom level at 50%).


Your album is made up of pages. Click on a page to edit it. You will see a number of alternative designs directly at the bottom. Choose one you like or leave the current design. You can of course adjust it to your liking.

Move photos and videos

Click and drag photos or videos to move them to a different position, the contents then swap. Do you want to add a photo to the other page? Then keep your mouse pressed while you drag the element to the other side. Instead of swapping the images, your photo (or video) will be added to the other page.

Want to add additional contents? Click the Library tab at the bottom and drag it to the page you have in view.

Add elements

Text boxes

Choose a design with a text box, or insert one using the "+ add" button. Double-click your text box to type a text. At the top you have several options; You can indicate whether you want to insert a title, subtitle or body text. You can also insert links and make the text italic or bold. When you are done, click on the "save" button at the top right.

With a single click you will see formatting suggestions at the bottom. Choose from various fonts, and you can also adjust the alignment and position in the text box.


Add an icon via the "+ add" button. Find a suitable icon using the search screen. After the icon has been inserted, drag it to the correct position and choose the size, color and transparency of your icon at the bottom. This way you can include it over a photo in your album, but also as decoration for a text box, for example.


Add a new page via the "+ add" button, or you can drag in a photo from your library between two pages.

Old editor

Enrich your stories by clicking on the pencil icon  edit.png  top right. In the photo book print preview, click on the menu button in the top right (...) and then choose 'Open in edit mode'. Add text, maps, video, the weather, speed, height, tourist info or choose from one of the 10.000+ icons. 

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